Monthly Archives: November 2016

ACM-Acid K

 Liquid product

 Foliar application

 Root application

Open Data Sheet

Ask your Agro Consulting del Mediterráneo’s export agent for product details and security file. 


Liquid Potassium solution K 20. Group Order AAA/2564/2015, of November 27, laying amending Annexes I, II, III, IV and VI of R.D. 506/2013, of June 28, on fertilizers.

ACM-Amino Mix

 Liquid product

 Root application

Open Data Sheet

Ask your Agro Consulting del Mediterráneo’s export agent for product details and security file.


Aminoacids micronutrient. Group 4.1.01 Order AAA / 2564/2015, 27 November, amending Annexes I, II, III, IV and VI – R. D. 506/2013,on June 28, about fertilizer.


 Liquid product

Foliar application

Root application

Open Data Sheet

Ask your Agro Consulting del Mediterráneo’s export agent for product details and security file. 


Complexed Manganese solution (Mn) (6) Group Order AAA / 2564/2015, November 27th, amending Annexes I, II, III, IV and VI to R. D. 506/2013, June 28th on fertilizer products.


 Liquid product

 Foliar application 

 Root application

Open Data Sheet

Ask your Agro Consulting del Mediterráneo’s export agent for product details and security file.


Designation: NP SOLUTION 6 to 12. Group ORDER AAA / 2564/2015, November 27th, amending Annexes I, II, III, IV and VI.  R. Decree. 506/2013, June 28th about fertilizer products.

ACM-Potasio LQ

 Liquid product

 Foliar application

 Root application

Open Data Sheet

Ask your Agro Consulting del Mediterráneo’s export agent for product details and security file.


NK fertilizer solution 3-30. C.2.9. Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003. EC fertilizer.


 Liquid product

 Foliar application

 Root application

Open Data Sheet

Ask your Agro Consulting del Mediterráneo’s export agent for product details and security file.


POTASSIUM THYROULFATE SOLUTION. Group ORDER AAA / 2564/2015, November 27, amending Annexes I, II, III, IV and VI, to R.D. 506/2013, June 28th, on fertilizer products.


 Liquid product

 Foliar application 

 Root application

Open Data Sheet

Ask your Agro Consulting del Mediterráneo’s export agent for product details and security file.


Designation Type: ZINC SOLUTION COMPLEXED. Group ORDER AAA / 2564/2015, November 27th, amending Annexes I, II, III, IV and VI, to R.D. 506/2013, June 28, on fertilizers.